


Are you there for the tapas? Do you like to share food with each other while eating? Thanks to our partner, you can enjoy a truly special downtown gastronomic experience, as the Hello Magic Tapas menu - which is only available here - fully satisfies the needs of all tapas lovers. The mouth-watering main dishes and desserts are made from high-quality ingredients, so that only the best and most delicious dishes are served to you. The Hello Magic Tapas menu contains nine types of main dishes and two types of dessert tapas, it is guaranteed that none of you will go hungry!

Our partner was driven by the passion for Spanish tapas when opening the Tapassio restaurant, and unlike the usual Spanish restaurants, it also offers Hungarian, Italian and other Mediterranean dishes as tapas. At Tapassio, the meals are served to you in a family style, placed in the middle of the table, which you can then eat together in Spanish, which makes the shared meal even more intimate.


Exclusive Hello Magic Tapas menu at Tapassio restaurant for 2 people, which includes the following dishes:

  • Melitzanosalata - Cypriot eggplant salad
  • Croquetas de jamón – Ham croquettes
  • Spicy tomato black mussels
  • Chipirones - Fried baby squid
  • Roasted peppers on the mat
  • Gnocchi with gorgonzola, serrano and walnuts
  • Tuna tataki rolled in sesame seeds
  • Diana sirloin
  • Parmesan fried polenta with truffle oil
  • Basque chocolate cheesecake with strawberries
  • Partisan ice cream

The offer also includes the service fee!

Validity of our Hello Magic voucher:


Conditions to redeem Voucher:

Advance table reservation is required by phone at +36 70 426 1135, by entering your magic code.  

The voucher can be used every day until 18:00 and is for a minimum of 2 people.

Show your magic code on your phone to our partner.

Did You know?...

… hogy a mediterrán gasztronómiában mindig fontos szerepe volt a kóstoló méretű ételeknek és azok közös elfogyasztásának. Spanyolországban tapas, Görögországban ouzeries, a Közel-Keleten pedig meze néven ismertek. Az ételmegosztás jó módja a társalgások felpezsdítésének és az emlékezetes romantikus vagy baráti estek megteremtésének.


+36 70 426 1135

[email protected]



További információk

Tapas menu, Tapassio

Hello Magic Tapas menu at Tapassio


Budapest, V. kerület, Hercegprímás utca 13, 1051 Magyarország