

You can now take advantage of our HUF 15,000 offer for HUF 8,990.

Now you only need to pay an advance of HUF 2,290, the remaining HUF 6,700 must be settled with our Partner on site when redeeming the voucher.


Haven't you ever dreamed about how your mouth could be more sensual, rich and seductive? Thanks to our partner, here's a great opportunity to try a small cosmetic procedure - preferred by stars and celebrities - and without surgery or pain. Your lips will be fuller, your appearance will be more confident.


Hyaluronic acid mouth filling

The procedure is painless and needle-free. It takes about 20-30 minutes, after which the change becomes visible immediately.

Hyaluronic acid treatment results in extremely velvety, silky smoothness and slight lip plumping. The color of your mouth will be more intense and its contour will be more precise. The treatment rejuvenates you, the cracks in your mouth will be less noticeable.
Our partner starts the treatment by cleaning the mouth. After that, he rubs your lips with a hyaluronic acid serum, which he uses a special machine to deliver under the epidermis layer. At the end of the treatment, he finishes the special, needle-free intervention with a deeply absorbed hyaluronic concentrate.

Validity of our Hello Magic voucher:


Conditions to redeem Voucher:

Advance appointment booking is required by phone at +36 70 600 6079 or at [email protected] by entering the magic code!


Did You know?...

...that hyaluronic acid is a substance found in the body, so you can't overdo it and it is completely broken down by the body within a year, so it disappears without a trace. In addition, lip fillers with hyaluronic acid not only play a major role in shaping, but can also fade small mimic wrinkles around the mouth.



Mon-Fri 8:00 – 20:00
Weekend: closed

Tel: +36 70 600 6079
Email: [email protected]



Budapest, Kerepesi út 32, Magyarország