


Do you also want beautiful white teeth? In this case, don't miss our offer at Hollán Dent dentistry, with which you can have snow-white teeth, and you can enjoy the final result for up to 1-2 years.


LED lamp peroxide-free teeth whitening

During teeth whitening with an LED lamp, our partner applies a special peroxide-free gel to the surface of your teeth, called i-SMILE. i-SMILE gel not only whitens your teeth, but also contains fluoride, which protects against tooth decay. Our partner activates the gel with an LED light. The procedure guarantees intensive whitening in a short time, and you will leave the dentist's office with teeth 3-5 shades whiter. finally, you can enjoy the final result for up to 1-2 years.

With intraoral camera examination

During the intraoral camera screening, our partner examines the condition of the teeth one by one, and the oral cavity is also examined. Thanks to the examination, it is also possible to discover dental hotspots that do not cause problems at the given moment, but many later symptoms can be prevented and thus treated in time.

Validity of our Hello Magic voucher:


Conditions to redeem Voucher:

Advance appointment booking is required by entering your voucher code (magic code) at the following address: phone number: +36 30 153 2269.

You must notify our partner of cancellation or change of date no later than 24 hours before the agreed date, failing which the voucher will be used.

Did You know?...

... that you can liven up your smile by 5-10 shades in 20 minutes? Modern technology enables a whiter and brighter smile, quickly and easily. How can LED help for whiter teeth? An LED, or Light Emitting Diode, emits a single color of light in the visible light spectrum when in contact with electricity. In the past, UV or ultraviolet light was used to help the whitening process. However, UV light can cause cell mutations. Therefore, LED lamps quickly replaced UV lamps in whitening procedures. They require minimal energy and do not require a warm-up period.



Monday: 08.00 – 20.00
Tuesday: 08.00 – 20.00
Wednesday: 08.00 – 20.00
Thursday: 08.00 – 20.00
Friday: 08.00 – 20.00

Tel.: +36 1 202 14 36  |  +36 30 153 2269

Email: [email protected]



1136 Budapest Hollán Ernő u. 51. 1/A