


Examine your teeth to be up to date on everything, dental hygiene is very important!


Dental panoramic X-ray and intraoral camera dental screening and examination of the oral cavity.

Validity of our Hello Magic voucher:


Conditions to redeem Voucher:

Advance appointment booking is required by entering your voucher code (magic code) at the following address: phone number: +36 30 153 2269

You must notify our partner of cancellation or change of date no later than 24 hours before the agreed date, failing which the voucher will be used.

Did You know?...

…why do I need an X-ray?

Early tooth decay does not show many physical signs. Sometimes the tooth looks healthy, but your dentist will use an x-ray (x-ray) to see if there is decay under the enamel, possible infection in the roots or around the tooth, or even bone loss. X-rays can help the dentist see between teeth or under the edges of fillings. Early detection and treatment of dental problems can save time and money.

In children, x-rays can be used to show where the bone teeth are and when they will come out. This also applies to adults when their wisdom teeth start coming out.

How often should an X-ray be taken?

If you are a new patient, unless you have had dental x-rays recently, your dentist will likely recommend an x-ray. This will help them assess the condition of the mouth and check for hidden problems. After that, X-rays are usually recommended every 6-24 months, depending on the individual, caries history, age and current oral condition.



Monday: 08.00 – 20.00
Tuesday: 08.00 – 20.00
Wednesday: 08.00 – 20.00
Thursday: 08.00 – 20.00
Friday: 08.00 – 20.00

Tel.: +36 1 202 14 36  |  +36 30 153 2269

Email: [email protected]



Budapest, Hollán Dentál Kft., Hollán Ernő utca, Hungary