


Our partner is waiting for all chocolate lovers to apply for their courses, which run continuously throughout the year! Also perfect as a gift.



On the course, everyone can make the bon-bons of their dreams from the finest Belgian chocolate ingredients.

The participants of the several-hour course not only learn about the history of chocolate, taste different chocolates, work with two types of tempered chocolate, learn the recipe and tricks, pour and decorate bonbons, but also prepare the ganache, which is used to fill the bonbons. At the end of the program, everyone returns home with tasty bonbons and as a master chocolate maker.

You can also learn from them what materials and tools you will need at home to be successful. They provide a detailed note about the course material (access will be sent by email within 1 week after participation), in which you will find the recipes in addition to the theoretical part. You will get to know several tempering techniques during the course.

We strongly recommend the program to people with gluten sensitivity.

You can also learn from them what materials and tools you will need at home to be successful. They provide a detailed note on the course material (access will be sent via email within 1 week after participation), which includes the theoretical part. Lactose intolerant, vegans and diabetics are asked to indicate their special request to our partner when applying, as vegan dark chocolate and sugar-free Belgian milk chocolate sweetened with sweeteners are also available. lurking in their warehouse. (They don't have a perfect solution for lactose-intolerant + diabetics, they can only offer dark chocolate). you can also find the recipes. You will get to know several tempering techniques during the course.

The course can be chosen in English or German in addition to Hungarian.

Validity of our Hello Magic voucher:


Conditions to redeem Voucher:

Prior registration and appointment by entering a magic code is required [email protected] email address.

The voucher can be transferred or given as a gift, but it is only possible to cancel the pre-registration at least 5 days before the program, otherwise the voucher will be considered used.

Minimum age: 14 years
(younger people with an interest in pastry making are also accepted). Small children can participate in the course together with their parents (the price is per person).

Did You know?...

... that, like all other worldwide or at least widely known and popular foods, the origin of bonbons is linked to several tales. Many people think they know the "real" story of the bonbon, but somehow each anecdote is different from the others.

It seems so certain, the XVII. century there was a French marshal, Plessis-Praslin (Plessy-Pralins), who could be connected in some way to Clément Jaluzot, who could have been either a confectioner or a cook. The only thing that is not clear is whether Jaluzot worked for Praslin, or whether the marshal was merely interested in the confectioner/cook's work as a subject. In any case, Jaluzot named a small sweet after Praslin, which at that time was still an almond thickly coated with icing.

According to one story, the XVII. At the end of the 20th century, the "Hereditary Imperial Assembly" based in Regensburg made an attempt to unify Germany, which had broken up into almost 350 separate states after the 30-year war.

A tanácskozásokban és a heves szócsatában kifáradt államférfiak szükségét érezték egy kis kikapcsolódásnak, amihez természetesen különleges finom étkek is hozzátartoztak. A tanácskozáson francia megfigyelőként Choiseudu Plessis-Praslin marsall is jelen volt uralkodója XIV. Lajos képviseletében. A népes kíséretéhez tartozott a marsall egyik német szakácsa is, aki a nagy tekintélyű gyűlésről „Reichstagskonfekt”-azaz „Birodalmi gyűlés bonbonnak” elnevezett apró édességekkel állt elő. Újításképpen azonban az éppen divatba jött csokoládéval vonta be őket a szakács. A jámbor konyhaművész saját urának igyekezett kedvében járni, ezért Praslin marsallról a „Praliné” nevet adta találmányának.

According to another – seemingly more unrealistic – story, XIII. Louis tried to alleviate the anti-royal mood of the Bordeaux residents with these sweet delicacies.

However, according to the most charming "legend of origin", the XIV. The candied almond presented in Lajos' court was such a hit among the noble ladies that after tasting it, they only said: Bon! Good! (so: Good! Good!), hence the name bonbon.


Ars Socolata - The Art of Chocolate. Their motto describes their passion for art. They pour their heart and soul into chocolate so that every chocolate lover can receive exceptional and top-quality chocolate from a family chocolate manufactory, where they only work with premium quality Belgian chocolate ingredients.


Based on prior registration



Budapest, Nefelejcs utca 19., 1078 Magyarország