Our Earth, our Everything

Our Earth is the most important not only on April 22, but throughout the year

Our Earth is a treasure. It is difficult to put into words how important environmental awareness is, and how important it is to introduce its importance into everyday life.
We know there are many exaggerated and unrealistic statements about what we humans can and cannot achieve in a person. Many people write and say that until the big factories and production units (in any segment) do much, much more for the sake of the cause, it will be useless if we put the waste in the selective or buy more consciously... BUT! We, the hellomagic team, don't even want to take a stand now, we JUST want to give YOU a little reminder and sprinkle a few bits of information, and not just because EARTH DAY falls on this day every year.

Earth! Earth on the horizon!

The result of our planet, the rich tapestry of life, is more than 4.5 billion years of evolutionary history.
Did you know these about Earth? 🙂
  • 1. The Earth (Gaia, Terra) calculated from the Sun third planet in the solar system. It is the only planet in the universe known to harbor life.
  • 2. Nearly 71% of the Earth's surface water covers the remaining 29% for land we call.
  • 3. The oldest tree on Earth is close 5 thousand years old. The Guinness-according to the book of records, the oldest existing tree is a pine, nicknamed Methusela. In 2020, he was 4,852 years old.
  • 4. The Earth 8.7 million speciesis home to What we know about it...! The National Geographic according to this includes both plants and animal species.
  • 5. Ever measured on Earth coldest temperature was in Russia. At Vostok station on July 21, 1983 -89.2 °C. The hottest temperature in El Azizia, Libya, was 57.8 °C on September 13, 1922.

  • 6. The waters of the Earth 97% is salt seawater, which is not suitable for human consumption. The remaining 3% is fresh water, 70% of which is found in glaciers and 20% in Lake Baikal. The rest of the world's freshwater lakes make up only 10% of the total.
  • 7. April 22 is Earth Day we celebrate every year. This custom dates back to 1970, when the first significant day was held at the suggestion of peace activist John McConnell.
  • 8. About our earth 4.5 billion years ago formed from the same cloud of gas and dust as the rest of the Solar System.
  • 9. The Earth largest territory is Russia. The smallest in the Vatican.
  • 10. On Earth in total 193 Member States, and there are two observer states (Vatican and Palestine). Thus, we can officially speak of 195 independent countries. (2021 data)


  • 11. In Hungary in 2022, 406 kilograms waste we produced per capita. Of this, 133 kilograms were recycled.
  • 12. The Earth largest animal the blue whale weighs an average of 110 tons, but can grow up to 190 tons, its heartbeat can be heard three kilometers away.
  • 13. The Earth's smallest animal with its 4 millimeter size, it is a sea cucumber, which, despite its name, is an animal and belongs to the echinoderm family, like starfish and sea urchins.
  • 14. The Earth's deepest lake Lake Baikal in Russia reaches a depth of 1,642 meters. The entire length of the Nile, the longest river on Earth, is estimated to be between 6,695 and 6,853 km.
  • 15. The world's oldest, its still living land animal is a Seychelles giant tortoise named Jonathan. On December 4, 2023
    He celebrated his 191st birthday - at least officially, because no one knows his exact age.
  • 15 + 1. Earth's largest contiguous jungle  the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. Every tenth animal species on our planet lives in this forest.

Many thanks to Judit for her help in writing the article! 🙂